The Women of Islam: Murder in the Name of Honor

| Wednesday, January 19, 2011 | |
by Pat
“Honor killing” is a practice of Muslims who find the behavior of family females to be objectionable. In Muslim countries there are usually laws against it, but in practice they are ignored and the guilty murderer given nothing but a token sentence, while being labeled a hero in the local Mosque. After the hubbub has died down, the guilty party is set free with little fanfare. One of the dirty little secrets the press routinely covers up for the hapless Muslim community, is the nature of the killing.

In an United Kingdom trial a year or so ago, the public learned that a young girl who had dated an infidel white boy, was tortured, sexually assaulted, and repeatedly raped by her uncle in the presence of her brother and father before the girl was killed. All for religion, of course. It turns out this may be fairly common. Who knew Muslims had so much honor?

More Examples:

“A Jordanian man confessed to stabbing to death his pregnant sister and mutilating her body to protect the family honor, said Jordanian authorities on Sunday..."

“AN Azeri immigrant in Russia’s northern city of Saint Petersburg has been charged with hiring hit men to kill his 21-year-old daughter for wearing a mini-skirt, police said today..."

"Taliban gunmen used a firing squad to kill a young couple in southern Afghanistan for trying to elope, shooting them with rifles in front of a crowd in a lawless, militant-controlled region, officials said Tuesday..."


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