Jesus Billboard Stirring up Controversy

| Friday, November 26, 2010 | |
by Stephanie Bertini

DONNA, TX - It can be spotted from almost a mile away. It’s just off Expressway 83 near Donna. A big sign stretches over the rooftops of houses and businesses nearby, and it's causing a lot of chatter.

It's an image of Jesus on the cross. The billboard was put up Monday, and right away, people took note. They had a lot to say.

Calls to the CHANNEL 5 newsroom prompted us to go out and take a look. One woman said she found the image offensive because she says, “Jesus has no place on a billboard.” Others are referring to it as a divine inspiration.

"So people saying that's disrespect. I don't think that's disrespect. I think that is just a sign from god saying people need to change around here," one person said.

"It's awesome. It looks real,” another person said.

"People have been saying that it's against their religion or whatever. That's a big sign! For me, it doesn't bother me, but I guess for religious people, I think it bothers them," someone else opined.



Anonymous Says:
December 7, 2010 at 1:34 PM

i think this is theee best ever, ever, ever, ever billboard in the state of texas.

thank you, thank you, lord, i wanna thank you.

edinburg, tejas

Anonymous Says:
March 29, 2013 at 6:26 PM

Not Only did he Die for us HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD AND IS ALIVE FOREVERMORE and HE is MY LORD and SAVIOR Is he YOURS or will he turn you away and say I never knew you make sure he knows who you are Accept his atonement for your sins..........

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