SEIU VP: "White Workers Are So F***ing Rabidly Racist"

| Monday, November 1, 2010 | |
by Jeff Dunetz

Immigration Reform (a.k.a. amnesty)is a key SEIU issue as it would allow the unions to add millions of members to its rolls, filling its bank accounts, while bringing its failing pension plans closer to solvency. Unfortunately for the union much of its membership is very much opposed to amnesty. According to Executive VP Gerry Hudson even the African-American union members are very anti-illegal immigration. But in the video below Hudson reveals his strategy. He portrays the African-American workers as easy dupes "it doesn't take a whole lot to argue African-American workers to another place." But those white workers are "so f***ing rabidly racist." All Hudson has to do to motivate the African-Americans is point over there to the white guys and say "look at what's there."

Essentially he is saying that the black people he represents are all weak-minded idiots and the whites are all racists. Gee that SEIU really has so much respect for its members.



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