AVANTASIA - Dying For An Angel

| Tuesday, February 21, 2012 | 0 comments |
A cry for help from Europe to America...

Avantasia - Dying For An Angel

You're awake in your darkest dream
I have come for you
And nobody can hear your scream
When I reach for you

Don't you remember their feet in your face
Before they have carved you in stone
And don't you remember your sweat and your pain

When you were drawn to the bone
When you were left all alone

Living on a dream
Dying for an angel
Reach out
Waiting for America
No sign of wings
As you turn your back on me

Living on a dream
Lonely cold and dire
Head up
Feet down in the fire
Giving till you're gone
Dying for an angel
Every day

Where do we go from the apogee?
What do we leave behind?
How will I stand what I have to see?
This reflection of mine

Collateral damage: your sacrifice
Gonna learn to fly; unlearn to fall
Gotta tear down the walls of love and lies

You have come on your own
You will go on all alone

Living on a dream
Dying for an angel
Reach out
Waiting for America
No sign of wings
As you turn your back on me

Living on a dream
Lonely cold and dire
Head up
Feet down in the fire
Give it 'til you're gone
Dying for an angel
Every day


Living on a dream
Dying for an angel
Reach out
Waiting for America
No sign of wings
As you turn your back on me

Living on a dream
Dying for an angel
Reach out
Waiting for America
No sign of wings
As you turn your back on me

Living on a dream
Lonely cold and dire
Head up
Feet down in the fire
Give it 'til you're gone
Dying for an angel
Every day

Car Company Gets U.S. Loan, Builds Cars In Finland

| Tuesday, December 20, 2011 | 0 comments |

Update: Fisker Karma Electric Car Gets Worse Mileage Than an SUV...

by Warren Meyer

The Fisker Karma electric car, developed mainly with your tax money so that a bunch of rich VC’s wouldn’t have to risk any real money, has rolled out with an nominal EPA MPGe of 52 in all electric mode (we will ignore the gasoline engine for this analysis).

Not bad?  Unfortunately, it’s a sham.  This figure is calculated using the grossly flawed EPA process that substantially underestimates the amount of fossil fuels required to power the electric car, as I showed in great depth in an earlier Forbes.com article.  In short, the EPA methodology leaves out, among other things, the conversion efficiency in generating the electricity from fossil fuels in the first place [by assuming perfect conversion of the potential energy in the fuel to electricity, the EPA is actually breaking the 2nd law of thermodynamics].

In the Clinton administration, the Department of Energy (DOE) created a far superior well to wheels MPGe metric that honestly compares the typical fossil fuel use of an electric vs. gasoline car, using real-world power plant efficiencies and fuel mixes to figure out how much fuel is used to produce the electricity that goes into the electric car.

As I calculated in my earlier Forbes article, one needs to multiply the EPA MPGe by .365 to get a number that truly compares fossil fuel use of an electric car with a traditional gasoline engine car on an apples to apples basis.  In the case of the Fisker Karma, we get a true MPGe of 19.  This makes it worse than even the city rating of a Ford Explorer SUV.


US Debt Visualized

| Tuesday, December 13, 2011 | 0 comments |
One Hundred Dollars
$100 - Most counterfeited money denomination in the world.

Keeps the world moving.

Ten Thousand Dollars
$10,000 - Enough for a great vacation or to buy a used car.
Approximately one year of work for the average human on earth.

One Million Dollars
$1,000,000 - Not as big of a pile as you thought, huh?
Still this is 92 years of work for the average human on earth.

One Hundred Million Dollars
$100,000,000 - Plenty to go around for everyone.
Fits nicely on an ISO / Military standard sized pallet.

One Billion Dollars
$1,000,000,000 - You will need some help when robbing the bank.
Now we are getting serious!

One Trillion Dollars
$1,000,000,000,000 - When the U.S government speaks about a 1.7 trillion deficit - this is the volumes of cash the U.S. Government borrowed in 2010 to run itself.
 Keep in mind it is double stacked pallets of $100 million dollars each, full of $100 dollar bills. You are going to need a lot of trucks to freight this around. If you spent $1 million a day since Jesus was born, you would have not spent $1 trillion by now...but ~$700 billion - same amount the banks got during bailout.

One Trillion Dollars
Comparison of $1,000,000,000,000 dollars to a standard sized American Football field and European Football field.
Say hello to the Boeing 747-400 transcontinental airliner that's hiding on the right. This was until recently the biggest passenger plane in the world.

15 Trillion Dollars
$15,000,000,000,000- Unless the U.S. government fixes the budget, US national debt (credit card bill) will topple 15 trillion by Christmas 2011.
 The Statue of Liberty seems rather worried as United States national debt passes 20% of the entire world's combined GDP (Gross Domestic Product). 
In 2011 the National Debt will exceed 100% of GDP, and venture into the 100%+ debt-to-GDP ratio that the European PIIGS have (bankrupting nations).

114.5 Trillion Dollars
$114,500,000,000,000 - US unfunded liabilities.
To the right you can see the pillar of cold hard $100 bills that dwarfs the 
WTC & Empire State Building - both at one point the world's tallest buildings.
 If you look carefully you can see the Statue of Liberty.
The 114.5 Trillion dollar super-skyscraper is the amount of money the U.S. Government 
knows it does not have to fully fund the Medicare, Medicare Prescription Drug Program, 
Social Security, Military and civil servant pensions. It is the money the USA knows it will not 
have to pay all its bills.
If you live in the USA, this is also your personal credit card bill; you are responsible along with 
everyone else to pay this back. The citizens of the USA created the U.S. Government to serve
 them, this is what the U.S. Government has done while serving The People.
The unfunded liability is calculated on current tax and funding inputs, and future demographic 
shifts in US Population.
Note: On the above 114.5T image the size of the base of the money pile is half a trillion, not 1T as on the 15T image. 
The height is double. This was done to reflect the base of Empire State and WTC more closely.
Everyone needs to see this.
Source: Federal Reserve & www.USdebtclock.org - visit it to see the debt in real time and get a better grasp of this amazing number.

Economic Freedom of North America

| Tuesday, December 6, 2011 | 0 comments |
Economic Freedom of North America is an attempt to gauge the extent of the restrictions on economic freedom imposed by governments in North America. The index published here measures economic freedom at two levels, the subnational and the all-government. At the subnational level, it measures the impact on economic freedom of provincial and municipal governments in Canada and of state and local governments in the United States. At the all-government level, it measures the impact of all levels of government—federal, provincial/state, and municipal/local—in Canada and the United States. All 10 provinces and 50 states are included.

Say Merry Christmas! (No More Politically Correct BS!)

| Sunday, December 4, 2011 | 0 comments |
Watch the whole video to see where it's going...

Protester defaces U.S. flag as Democrats celebrate Communism

| Thursday, December 1, 2011 | 0 comments |
by Robert Moon

The violent, degenerate lawlessness of the left's fake union rent-a-mobs (see here, here and here) hysterically rioting against Wall Street all across the country have not been enough to deter the Democratic Party from enthusiastically endorsing their openly Communist agenda any more than their bigoted racial attacks on anyone who dares to support the free market and the Constitution.

And neither has the fact that this entire Astro-turf "movement" is based on two outrageous partisan lies--one about why the economy tanked in the first place and the other about how much "the rich" (those who create all the jobs in this country) pay in taxes, compared to everyone else. But you would think that once they began defecating on police cars and even U.S. flags (see photo), Democrats in office would at least temporarily put the slobbering love affair on hold.

You would be mistaken. When Democrat power is on the line, there is nothing these "post-partisan" champions of "civility" and "tolerance" won't throw under the bus. Nothing.

Unions, Hollywood celebrities, the "news media" and even elected Democrats including Obama and Pelosi continue not only defending, lying for and publicly embracing these tantrum-throwing Marxist fanatics, but now they are even calling them "patriotic" and organizing petitions to support them.

Leftist mobs rioting in the streets against job-creators for daring to succeed and make money. Welcome to "the change we need."


Plastic Bag Bans Are Bad for the Environment

| Sunday, November 27, 2011 | 0 comments |
The past several years have seen a groundswell of regulations on plastics, particularly plastic bags and cups and food containers made from polystyrene or Styrofoam. Supporters of these bans mostly claim that such policies promote environmental protection, when in reality they carry considerable environmental tradeoffs and impose needless burdens on consumers and economic growth, says Angela Logomasini, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Plastic bags generate 39 percent less greenhouse gas emissions than regular paper bags and require only 6 percent of the water necessary to make paper bags. Simultaneously, they consume 71 percent less energy during production than paper bags and produce one-fifth the amount of solid waste. Similarly, reusable bags are only more environmentally friendly than plastic bags if they are used 103 times, yet on average they are used only 51 times before they are thrown away. A comparison of the environmental impacts of plastic cups with paper alternatives yielded similar results, with plastic causing 50 percent less solid waste by volume.

Much of the craze that has inspired frivolous and counterproductive environmental bans stems from news stories that emphasize the negative impacts of excessive pollution and littering. Specifically, numerous references are made by environmental blogs and activists to the infamous garbage "island" in the Pacific -- a giant trash heap that is "twice the size of Texas." However, researchers have debunked much of the hype regarding this "island" by showing that no such island exists. Regardless, concerns about littering should not provoke environmental bans -- they should provoke greater public support of antilittering movements, says Logomasini.


Gene Simmons: “Capitalism is the best thing that ever happened"

| Sunday, November 13, 2011 | 0 comments |
'Debt crisis like fat people blaming bakers'

by Gene Simmons

THE first thing I would do if I was the benevolent dictator of planet Earth would be to fire all politicians — who are basically university lecturers in positions of power.

They might be able to quote the existential philosophers but that doesn't mean they know how to run businesses.

Countries are businesses — they have imports and exports and you want your exports to be higher than your imports so you can have a profit.

You want to make sure that whatever money you give out to your population is money that you can afford to send out.

Countries are a house of cards — and when the bottom few cards fall down they all topple over. Look at Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy.

If businessmen ran the country, this wouldn't happen. Richard Branson would make a great PM. He's more qualified.

Government makes money by taxing and spending.

It's so simple. If you spend more than you tax, you're out of business. MPs don't know what they're talking about.

And we created this miserable economic state. It's like fat people who think it's the bakery's fault they got fat.

No, you kept going in there and you kept eating cake. It's not the bakery's responsibility to tell you to slow down.

Banks shouldn't have to tell you not to borrow so much.

They're banks — they're supposed to lend you money. If you can't afford to take out £100,000, don't take out a £400,000 mortgage.

It's your responsibility to be a grown-up and take care of yourself.

Thank God we have lending institutions and banks. The planes that fly through the sky, the phones we use every day, the cars we drive, the houses we live in, the entire economy is all funded by firms who borrow in return for interest.

This mess is our fault — corporations have no responsibility.

Capitalism is the best thing that ever happened to human beings. The welfare state sounds wonderful but it doesn't work.

Governments hand out more money than they have to support welfare and they land in debt.

Then they have to borrow money — and then there's interest on top of that.

That's bad business. And it has created a culture of entitlement.

When I was growing up my mother went to work. There was no welfare. If you worked, you made money.

If you didn't work, you had to figure it out — you'd go and wash dishes.

The new breed of 20-year-olds don't want to do those jobs.

So people from other countries come over and are thrilled to get the chance to wipe the floors.

Kiss are the only business-savvy band about and I make no apologies for that.

We outsell The Beatles and Elvis put together.

People say things like: "Oh, you make so much money. What do you need any more for?"

Well, actually, I never asked for your opinion. I'll let you know when I have enough money.